Stars of the 90s

Stars booking 90er Live Festival

Key data – Stars booking

Category: Festival

Date: March 2019

Service: International Artist Relations, Artist Booking

Artists: International Special Guest David Hasselhoff, Kate Ryan

Stars booking for the biggest 90s festivals

On 30 March 2019, national and international top stars of the Eurodance sound will inspire music fans from all over the world in the VELTINS Arena and celebrate the sound of an entire decade with them. David Hasselhoff as international star guest and headliner booked by Artist Relations Manager Stefan Lohmann will be the absolute highlight of the mega event.

Stars book for the biggest 90s festivals with up to 50,000 spectators

Up to 50,000 visitors are expected at Schalke for the largest “90s live” party in the world.

Artists such as David Hasselhoff, Kate Ryan, Snap!, Haddaway, Captain Hollywood Project, Culture Beat, Oli.P, Vengaboys and Rednex will sing live on Schalke during this superlative musical journey through time. And David Hasselhoff as star guest provides for the absolute highlight of the event.

Stars book for the biggest 90s festivals

The 90’s Live Festival belongs to the biggest festivals in Germany with more than 10 dates in 2019 and capacities from 10.000 spectators up to 50.000 spectators.



About Stefan Lohmann (artist agency, artist booking)

Stefan Lohmann is a Hamburg-based Talent Buyer and Artist Relations Manager. His service portfolio includes live entertainment concepts for concerts, festivals and events. As a live entertainment network, he also represents market-leading production companies in the entertainment sector (aerial shows, drone shows, video projection mapping …).

With Sustainable Event Solutions he also offers support for climate-neutral, sustainable events and tours.

More interesting articles:

Booking and Artist Information Sophie Ellis Bextor

Booking and Artist Information Kate Ryan



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