Max Giesinger Concert

Max Giesinger Konzert buchen
Max Giesinger Live Open Air Zons Freilichtbühne-Zons

Key data – Stars booking

Category: Concert

Date: July 2017

Service: International Artist Relations, Artist Booking

Artist: Singer & Songwriter Max Giesinger

Stars booking for concerts

Max Giesinger Concert Dormagen

Max Giesinger is the highlight at the concert on 07.07.17 in Dormagen / Freilichtbühne Zons, which is sold out after only a few weeks. Max Giesinger was booked by Artist Relations Manager Stefan Lohmann.

Stars booking for concerts with up to 50.000 spectators – no problem for Stefan

On the same evening the WDR-Jugendwelle 1Live awarded their annual prizes, the eight 1Live crowns, to musicians and media professionals.

One of them, for example, went to Max Giesinger for the first time for his love song “80 Million” as “Best Single”. Giesinger was delighted: “An incredible recognition, comments the 28-year-old after the award ceremony with the glass ball trophy in his hand.



About Stefan Lohmann (artist agency, artist booking)

Stefan Lohmann is a Hamburg-based Talent Buyer and Artist Relations Manager. His service portfolio includes live entertainment concepts for concerts, festivals and events. As a live entertainment network, he also represents market-leading production companies in the entertainment sector (aerial shows, drone shows, video projection mapping …).

With Sustainable Event Solutions  he also offers support for climate-neutral, sustainable events and tours.

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