thunderbike Jokerfest sold out with guano apes

Guano Apes rocks Jokerfest

Guano Apes Booking und artist information
Thunderbike Jokerfest mit Guano Apes

Key Data – Bands Booking

Category: Festival

Date: July 2017

Service: International Artist Relations, Artist Booking

Artist: Band Guano Apes

Bands Booking for Festivals

Guano Apes rocking Jokerfest

Since 2006 the Thunderbike Jokerfest in Hamminkeln attracts bikers and friends who want to experience a big party with live act in the evening. The motorcycle dealer Thunderbike wins every year renowned bands like The BossHoss, Slade, Leningrad Cowboys or The Hooters for an appearance.

Getting artists and bands excited about individual festivals – no problem for Stefan Lohmann

On 17.06.2017 Guano Apes enthused about 3.000 visitors. The tickets were sold out within a few weeks.

At the Jokerfest, the custom bike specialist reaches its target group directly: not only music and Thunderbike Roadhouse-Burgers, but also an exhibition of new Harley models in the “Open House”. Live customizing, Harley-Davidson demo rides and new motorclothes attracted many visitors. In the workshops they saw live how rims and accessories are made.



About Stefan Lohmann (artist agency, artist booking)

Stefan Lohmann is a Hamburg-based Talent Buyer and Artist Relations Manager. His service portfolio includes live entertainment concepts for concerts, festivals and events. As a live entertainment network, he also represents market-leading production companies in the entertainment sector (aerial shows, drone shows, video projection mapping …).

With Sustainable Event Solutions he also offers support for climate-neutral, sustainable events and tours.

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