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Opernball Leipzig Lenn Kudrjawitzki im Duett mit Kim Fischer

Lenn Kudrjawizki and his orchestra provide for cultural exchange

Lenn Kudrjawizki and his orchestra provide for cultural exchange ARD Brisant Report from the Leipzig Opera Ball 2017 Leipzig, November 4, 2017. With the motto “Moscow Nights”, co-moderator Lenn Kudrjawizki and his Berlin Show Orchestra ensured cultural exchange at the Leipzig Opera Ball 2017. “In spite of political tensions, cultural exchange should never be allowed…

Stefan Lohmann ensures lasting contacts with the stars

Stefan Lohmann ensures sustainable contacts to the stars – German Sustainability Award

Stefan Lohmann ensures sustainable contacts to the stars! The German Sustainability Award is Europe’s highest distinction for ecological and social commitment. Artist Relations Manager Stefan Lohmann from Hamburg is responsible for the contacts to the stars. Press release – Hamburg/Düsseldorf, October 13, 2017 – This year’s honorary awards of the German Sustainability Award go among…