In the Live Entertainment News you will find all news about our activities, artist booking information about stars, shows and performances of any kind. But also talent booking tips and general event business information.

Body Projection Mapping - Dancing in the dark

Body Projection Mapping – Dancing in the Dark

Body Projection Mapping Show: Dancing in the Dark This is the new interactive motion art performance by Nora Kudrjawizki (Angelstrings) Angelstrings – Dancing Violin Show Angelstrings – Dancing Violin Show. These are two classically trained violinists and dancers who fascinate the audience again and again with their dancing violin show. The two professional violinists stage…

Aida Show Ensemble booking and artist information

AIDA Show Ensemble | Booking and Artist Information

AIDA Show Ensemble Booking and Artist Information Creating together what stays in memory AIDA Show Ensemble booking and artist information Artists of the AIDA Show Ensemble from all parts of the world entertain each evening on the AIDA ships. Experienced musical performers take you into magical worlds and enchant you with live singing and dance…

Party band HOT TOWN – International Entertainment

Party band HOT TOWN – Outstanding entertainment Party band Hot Town delivers outstanding entertainment to party with the audiences worldwide. Their mission is to unite the people and to create a fantastic memory for multinational events and guests that will last forever. That’s the reason why they are one of the go-to bands for major…

3d Video Mapping - Video Projection Maping

Projection Mapping – Ideas for Events

Projection Mapping Innovate your event with projection mapping and 3D video mapping shows Hamburg/Wiesbaden – 3 April 2018 The possibilities of Projection Mapping and 3D Video Mapping Shows regarding company events, product presentations and brand positioning are enormous. Not only for company events with a very large budget is mapping a variant to inspire guests.…

Cideo Mapp un3d Hologramm effekte building Mapping

3D Projection and Hologram Effects

Event ideas: 3D Projection and Hologram Effects 3D projection and hologram effects offer breathtaking possibilities to position yourself as a company, present products and inspire the audience.   From visual storytelling to explaining products and services, 3D projection offers endless possibilities. 3D Projection Video content can be created to match the event and CI of…